There is a long list of notable people, all over the world and across many industries who have attended Montessori schools, supported the method and even built schools for their children, employees and communities.
Elon Musk (Tesla, Space X and twitter), Jeff Bezos (amazon), singer Willie Nelson, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and President Wilson of the USA are a few examples of those who have built and founded Montessori schools.
A small list of names you might know, who attended Montessori schools -
Larry Page and Sergey Brin (founders of Google)
Jeff Bezos (amazon)
Taylor Swift
Prince William
Anne Frank
Jimmy Wales (founder of Wikipedia)
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Jackie Kennedy
Julia Child
Joshua Bell (violinist)
Yo Yo Ma
George Clooney
Katherine Graham (owner of the Washington Post)
These people are just a small representation of how Montessori education encourages out of the box thinking and independence, to confidently meet life's challenges, make a contribution to society, and to succeed.